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  • Writer's pictureSue England

Too much to see…

I’m struggling with editing what I can see - there’s too much potential! Everywhere you look has the possibility for translating into drawing or painting. So….round the garden again and again, trying to be ‘tuned in’ to immediate gut reactions and then be true to & focus on those. Setting a goal for each visit helps and before going back to monochrome drawings I wanted to try some acrylic on canvas, a combination of materials I’m not used to. I settled on a fairly tight crop, concentrating on the repitition of just one flower (what is it— pokeweed?), thinking of a simple shape against a very green background. They seemed to be dancing up the path. I used oil over the acrylic in a lot of areas. 60 x 60 canvas. Probably need a bit more work and it ended up much more representational than I intended!

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Sue England
Sue England
01 okt. 2021

Comment from Sybille Bulloch via email - 'A symphony in greens and pinks represents Persicaria - not the nasty invasive Japanese kind of knotweed. Not sure which one as there are so many. I love the sketch! I am trying to source a lower growing variety called Darjeeling Red (just the name wants me to pack my suitcase and travel)', nut no luck so far.

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