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  • Writer's pictureSue England

Spring is Sprung...

So, we’re into March, spring is just around the corner. Blues, greys and rusts are turning to yellow and acid green. On a bright sunny day last Saturday, I spent nearly 4 hours actually painting in the garden with my proper easel and all the oil painting paraphernalia. And what a joy it was!

The daffodils (reliably informed are called February Gold), were so bright they almost hurt your eyes as the sun bounced off the greens and yellows. I have done a lot of work in my 2nd A3 winter sketchbook and produced several finished paintings back in the studio developing the ideas. But again, I need to visit regularly and observe the daily changes of weather and the new season. As well as producing the actual ‘art’ I paint and finish my own frames, actually made by my husband and I am trying to produce as we go along, to make it easier later in the year when preparing for the exhibition. I am also preparing larger canvases ready to start a new series of paintings and working on stencils and images to produce a set of screen prints. There, I’ve said it, so no turning back - I’ll HAVE to make them now! There was a good article in this weeks Chichester Observer about Denmans and the residency, so thank you Charlotte Harding from the Observer and Denmans Publicity Manager Louise Campbell. As more visitors have been apparent in the garden, I have done quick sketches including figures, which fits in with some drawings from photos of Joyce Robinson and John Brookes. I like the idea that the original owners are still a presence in the garden & could almost be glimpsed behind a tree or in the distance keeping an eye on what I’m up to. Every visit sparks something new and although not every idea will be developed, the thinking time and experimentation is continuous.

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